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An attractive webpage is easily enhanced by interesting animation and movement on the page that really focuses the visitor's attention on the content you want to emphasize. CSS animation consists of 2 things: (1) the styles that are animated, and (2) the keyframes that indicate the beginning and end states for each animation style. Once you have an animation set up, you can use the CSS animation properties to get even more control over how it looks.
Online Class
Flow control statements let you control what code is executed when using conditions and loops on your site. Conditional statements, like if A, then B, else C help you to build in logic to your site where certain elements require it. Loops will run through certain code until you designate when it should stop. Both of these controls are helpful to build in more sophistication to your work.
Online Class
With the onset of new mobile devices, tablets, desktops and laptops, the ability to account for different screen sizes with responsive layouts is imperative not only to make your page attractive, but indexed by search engines. Fixed and liquid layouts allow you to fill the respective screen of any visitor to your site.
Online Class
More often than not these days, visitors are most likely to access your web page using their phone or other mobile device. This is a rapid and essential evolution of web development that has pushed the focus toward mobile optimization as much as possible to leverage search traffic, offer convenient browsing solutions, and simply meet users where they happen to be most often - on their phones! Learning to develop with a mobile-first mindset will ensure you're prepared for development into the future and beyond.
Online Class
JavaScript is a simple language to learn, but you need to be careful to use its syntax properly - the rules that define how you use the language. Things like case sensitivity, variable object, and function names, reserved words, spacing and other elements help to define JavaScript language. Once you master these items, you'll be well on your way to exciting web development.
Online Class
As you start to develop more complex scripts, it's important to know and stick to some scripting best practices. This helps you to keep straight the work that you've done when you revisit it, keeps it easy to maintain and emphasizes readability. This also allows you to ensure the code can be updated easily and allow others to understand your work easily when working as a team - which is super common in this field. It also just helps you to keep things tidy and adapt your code to other projects and/or fix things quickly and easily if something comes up.
Online Class
Organizing and presenting multiple web pages into a user-friendly experience is important to ensure visitors will be able to navigate your site without confusion. Because web sites can (and should be) updated frequently, it's essential to create pages that can easily be maintained. You should also add comments and other documentation to your pages so that you - or anyone else on your staff - can understand and modify your pages efficiently and effectively.
Online Class
JavaScript programs don't have to execute in order. They can detect events and react to them. A script that you create and use to detect and respond to an event is generally referred to as an event handler. Event handlers are among the most powerful features in JavaScript. Essentially, JavaScript uses a set of objects to store information about the various parts of a web page - buttons, links, images, windows, and so on. An event can also happen in more than one place and each event is associated with an object. Adding yet another layer to your work, this level of JavaScript will really make your web pages work.
Online Class
The development of a web page requires a few basic elements. Let's look at the various elements that must appear in an HTML file so that it displays appropriately in a web browser. Web developers must understand how to create a simple web page in HTML using all of the HTML tags that every web page must have as well as the tips and tricks that make your development process efficient and effective.
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An attractive website will keep your users and visitors engaged and make your content a pleasure to interact with. Backgrounds and borders allow you to create interesting elements around your content that ensure it continues to please and interest your visitors.
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Learning the ins and outs of how to fine-tune the display of your web content by using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that offers efficiency and control. Rather than adjusting the colors and fonts and spacing of every element of every page one by one, CSS allows developers to go to just one document, make changes, and with the click of a button, implement those changes throughout the entire website. CSS functionality allows you to set formatting characteristics for your site to achieve a sophisticated level of display for your content.
Online Class
In web development, there are 2 types of scripting. Server side scripting refers to scripts that run on the web server, which then sends the results to your web browser like a form you fill out. Client side scripting like JavaScript refers to the scripts that run within your web browser where no interaction with a web server is required.
Online Class
Before learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript, it's important to understand the nuts and bolts of the technologies that help transfer plain text files to rich multimedia displays you can see on your computer or mobile device when using a browser. Successful web developers must understand the difference between a web page and web content and how to get your content from your computer to someone else's web browser. This resource will address the basics around how the web works at a fundamental level.
Online Class
Along with text and style, a website often allows the user to interact with elements on the page. On web pages, there are graphics, sounds, animation, and video. JavaScript is a scripting language that allows you to create these elements simply and easily to create sophisticated and functional web pages.
Online Class
Every element in HTML is considered a "box," whether it is a paragraph or a <div>, an image, or something else. Starting from outside and moving inward the box contains: (1) the margin, which is the transparent/no-color area outside the element (2) the border that extends around the element, on the outer edge of any padding (3), the padding that exists around the content, inheriting the background color of the content area, and (4) the content surrounded by the padding that is the main focus of the element.
Online Class
Adjusting for different screen sizes is fast-becoming one of the most important elements of web design and development. Whether it means creating a universal design that works across devices or developing a responsive design, the best thing to do is understand where your visitors are and meeting them where they're at with an attractive design that works on any device, anywhere. Responsive design is also essential to search engine optimization as you ultimately hope to attract new visitors.
Online Class
Third-party JavaScript libraries are those that are not directly included with JavaScript, but they serve a similar purpose: they enable you to do complicated things with only a small amount of code because that small amount of code refers to something bigger under the hood that someone else has already created. In other words, you can avoid reinventing the wheel by leveraging existing code that exists elsewhere. Using a third-party JavaScript library is usually as simple as copying one or more files to your server (or linking to an external but incredibly stable location) and including a <script> tag in your document to load the library, thus making its code available to your own scripts.
Online Class
As you select content to place on your site, organizing that content in a way that's discernable and digestible to your visitors is paramount. You don't just want a string of text from start to finish. You want paragraph separation, margins, bulleted or numbered lists. Links to other content, images and other multimedia within text and around it. Headings and other elements are essential to organization and style in an attractive webpage. This resource will cover all of these items and more.
Online Class
CSS lets you transform an element in several ways. Some of the most commonly used transformation functions can be used to rotate, scale, translate or skew an element. Once you know how to transform elements, you can also create simple animations by using the transition properties that allow the browser to control an animation, while taking direction from the CSS. The transition property is a shorthand property for several others including duration, timing and delay.